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Seven drabbles written for MXTXGenWeek2020.

1. Character Study: Outsider POV (Xue Yang and Jin Guangyao)
2. Worldbuilding: Ghosts and Hauntings (Wei Wuxian in the Burial Mounds)
3. Friendship: Oaths and Promises (Yue Qingyuan and Shen Qingqiu)
4. Family (Liu Mingyan and Liu Qingge)
5. War (Jiang Yanli and Nie Huaisang)
6. Humour (Xue Yang and Su Minshan)
7. Trope Subversion: Arranged Marriage (Wen Ruohan, Meng Yao and Wen Qing)

Imported from Archive of Our Own. Original work id: 27841339.
Pairing Type
Pairing Type: Gen
Language: English

Chapter 2: Worldbuilding: Ghosts and Haunting

Traditionally—if you can call it tradition, three or four successes over centuries—this ritual is for revenge. What revenge could a spirit get for Wei Wuxian? He killed three thousand cultivators. It didn't bring back his shijie.

She had soul-calming ceremonies as a child, of course. (He rotates the array in his mind, flips it, corrects one charcoal line on his sketch.) So did Wen Ning, though, and Wei Wuxian summoned him back.

A-Yuan is crying outside, in an auntie's arms. In Carp Tower, Jin Ling must be crying too.

Wei Wuxian bites his cheek bloody and keeps working.