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Seven drabbles written for MXTXGenWeek2020.

1. Character Study: Outsider POV (Xue Yang and Jin Guangyao)
2. Worldbuilding: Ghosts and Hauntings (Wei Wuxian in the Burial Mounds)
3. Friendship: Oaths and Promises (Yue Qingyuan and Shen Qingqiu)
4. Family (Liu Mingyan and Liu Qingge)
5. War (Jiang Yanli and Nie Huaisang)
6. Humour (Xue Yang and Su Minshan)
7. Trope Subversion: Arranged Marriage (Wen Ruohan, Meng Yao and Wen Qing)

Imported from Archive of Our Own. Original work id: 27841339.
Pairing Type
Pairing Type: Gen
Language: English

Chapter 7: Trope Subversion: Arranged Marriage

"I had long discussions with your father on his last visit, Meng Yao," Wen Ruohan announced from his throne. "It would suit us both for his acknowledged son to be linked to the Wen by marriage."

He glanced to his right, at Wen Qing's pale, frozen face.

"This unworthy one would be honoured, Sect Leader."

Later, her burning hand around his wrist pulled him into an alcove. "This is only political. There is nothing between us, understood?"

A bitter laugh. "I feel as much for you as for any other woman, Wen-guniang."

"Then we have something in common, at least."