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A silly sequel to a previous drabble!

Imported from Archive of Our Own. Original work id: 33165052.
Pairing Type
Pairing Type: Gen
Language: English

"Happy birthday, Little Blind!" yelled the nuisance as A-Qing emerged into the courtyard.

"What. Is this." She narrowed her eyes, ignoring the colourful tat pinned up all around them.

"A surprise, A-Qing!" Daozhang's voice was guileless.

"It's a birthday party! I made you cake and set up all these games to play together." The nuisance pulled her along by her sleeve. "Look, look: there's pin the tail on the donkey, and blind man's buff, and this"—he reached up to slap something that rattled—"is a piñata! I didn't bring a stick for it because you can use your cane."

"Daozhang, he's making fun of us," she whined. "All these games are about not being able to see!"

The daozhang ruffled her hair. "A-Qing, our friend was just being thoughtful."

"To make it fair, when I play, I'll even cover my eyes." He brandished a handful of clean bandages. "You won't need one of these, will you?"

"One what?" she asked, catching herself just in time. "Honestly, you're so rude, on my birthday!"

So it was this game again? Fine. The cake smelled good, and if she was lucky she'd get in a good hit while 'aiming' for the piñata.