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Wen Ning and Wen Qing give themselves up to the Jin Sect.

Imported from Archive of Our Own. Original work id: 29799927.
Pairing Type
Pairing Type: Gen
Language: English

The journey to Lanling had been long. Since he couldn’t fly, as a fierce corpse, jiejie had walked with him; she’d silently chosen a route that avoided Qiongqi Pass, too. In return, his presence had noticeably warded off anyone who’d accost her, a thin figure in Wen red.

He’d known those days would be their last, but he’d expected death to meet them together, not this separation.

“Lianfang zun, aren’t both of them to die?”

“The woman, yes. The ‘Ghost General’ is to be... studied. She is a person who offers no further utility. He is a tool, who may.”