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Jiang Cheng and Lan Jingyi enjoy themselves at Lotus Pier.

Imported from Archive of Our Own. Original work id: 29217882.
Pairing Type
Pairing Type: M/M
Rating: Mature
Language: English

A quiet inlet on a warm day: the water green, silky, cool beneath the surface.

"Hah! This time I beat you! You know, I didn't even grow up swimming that much, Wanyin-ge, and I still beat you."

"The benefits of youth." Sect Leader Jiang's voice is dry, but his eyes are narrowed in mirth.

Nighttime, the moon glowing behind the paper windows over the wide bed.

"Again? Gege, please... I'm exhausted! You wore me out!"

"The wisdom of age," grins Jiang Cheng into his lover's mouth, "is in knowing when to conserve one's energy."

Lan Jingyi groans and, happily, submits.